DEXXIRE Community Guidelines

Welcome to DEXXIRE! Our community thrives on honesty, kindness, and respect. We aim to create a space where users can express themselves freely, provided they do not offend or harass others. Everyone at DEXXIRE is valued equally. Please be considerate, think before you act, and adhere to our Community Guidelines.

Violation of these guidelines may result in a ban from DEXXIRE.

Prohibited Conduct:

Nudity/Sexual Content

  • Maintain public communication that is calm, stylish, and appropriate.
  • Public profiles should not display nudity, sexually implied content, or lists of sexual desires.
  • Sexual content is restricted to the private area, accessible only by invitation.


  • Do not insult or harass other users, or encourage such behavior.
  • Unsolicited sending of sexual content is forbidden.
  • Reports of stalking, threats, bullying, or intimidation will be taken seriously and may lead to profile suspension.

Violence and Assault

  • Violent, gruesome, or gory content is not tolerated.
  • Actions or content that glorify or advocate violence, including terrorism, are prohibited.
  • Physical injury, coercion, and any form of violence are strictly forbidden.
  • Content advocating or glorifying suicide or self-harm is also banned. Report such content immediately.

Hate Speech

  • Content promoting racism, bigotry, hatred, or violence based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender is not allowed.

Private Information

  • Do not post private information (yours or others), including social security numbers, passports, passwords, financial data, or secret contact information (telephone numbers, email addresses, home/work addresses).

Forced Prostitution and Human Trafficking

  • Advocacy of human trafficking or non-consensual sexual activity is strictly prohibited and will result in reporting and suspension.


  • Zero tolerance for fraudulent behavior. Attempting to obtain users’ private information for fraudulent or illegal activities will result in a ban.

Identity Fraud

  • Be yourself. Do not impersonate others or misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity.


  • Users must be at least 18 years old.
  • Profiles depicting minors, advocating harm to minors, or depicting minors in a sexual or suggestive manner should be reported immediately.

Copyright and Trademark Infringement

  • Do not post works you do not own unless you have permission from the copyright or trademark holder.

Illegal Activity

  • Illegal activities are prohibited. If it’s illegal in real life, it’s illegal on DEXXIRE.

Inactive User Accounts

  • Enjoy using DEXXIRE! Accounts inactive for 12 months may be deleted.

Thank you for being part of DEXXIRE and helping to maintain a positive community.